From Doom Command…
For those who’ve joined since the last call, & to those who’ve hesitated until now, this is the second last call for volunteers. Please consider the con itself the final call for volunteers.
As expected we are short of volunteers. At this stage we need more people to help with:
- registration desk – we are hoping for people to contribute a few hours each.
- room checks – these people just need to do the reminder at 5 minutes before the end of a panel and let the committee know if there are any problems with a room
- art show monitors – we are hoping for people who’ll keep an eye on the exhibits for a few hours each and
- all sorts of other issues that are yet to be identified.
I’ll be at the registration desk each morning finalising the tasks for that day. If you are planning to help, I’d appreciate you stopping by and introducing yourself. Otherwise I’ll be running around like a headless swan trying get stuff done, especially during the auction and some other panels.
If you want to tell me before the con that you’ll help you can either join the DoomCorps Google Group or drop me an email: doomcorps (at)
And if you are standing around being bored, you will likely be volunteered for something. So have fun.
…Doom Command Out
NewsPublished: 23:10 on Apr 01, 2012 (GMT)
Last Updated: 23:11 on Apr 01, 2012 (GMT)