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The 37th Annual Western Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Fe Waters is currently assembling the Family Programme for this year’s con, and looking for some people to come and spend half an hour running an activity—aimed at the kids.

You will not be responsible for the kids (they will all have parents/guardians in the room, so no, you won’t need to change any nappies!), all you will be doing is providing some entertainment/distraction.

Most of the kids are between 3 and 6, but there are a reasonable number in primary school. All the sessions are half an hour (unless you specifically want more time).

In particular, at this point, Fe is looking for some people who can read :-) There will be a couple of daily sessions (like last year—feel free to volunteer again if you like :-) ) where someone comes in and reads to the kids :-) Currently, there are no specific themes in mind for this year, so feel free to choose your own :-) (But Fe does have some suggestions if you’d like to read but aren’t sure what to choose.)

Can you help? Please mail Fe off-list on CygnetCon2011(at)gmail(dot)com.


Program News
Published: 09:37 on Mar 03, 2012 (GMT)
Last Updated: 09:38 on Mar 03, 2012 (GMT)
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